$35.00 USD


Making Sense of WIDA 2020

You've been meaning to look through it. Or maybe you took the WIDA course and you're still fuzzy. You've come to the right place.

What you'll get:

  • Real clarity around WIDA 2020
  • Actionable next steps for the classroom

What People Are Saying:

It has been about 5 years since I had a refresher on WIDA, and this was very helpful. I thought it gave me a good overview of the changes, and helped me to really reconsider the role of language in my instruction (I teach grade 8 ELA).

Matt A.

I'm more hopeful about using WIDA this year. I got "lost" when WIDA made the 2020 update. No one explained to me what the changes were and how important they were. I feel more grounded in my practice now.

Amanda B.

Very clear and concise. Encouraging to collaborate with all teachers who work with MLs and use WIDA standards as a resource and guidance.

Kathy M.